What You Need to Know About the Climate Crisis – Online Course
The earth is facing a climate crisis, driven by fossil fuels. The good news is a clear majority of Americans and people around the world are ready to leave fossil fuels behind and create a sustainable future together. The tools and technology to do it are here today. The choice is yours. We can solve the crisis. We can power our lives and economies without destroying our planet but we have to act now. Come learn about the problem and solutions at hand. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center. Cosponsored by Lowertown Neighborhood.
This class will be held online. You will receive an email 2 days prior to the class date with directions on how to join the class.
Click here to register: https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com/course/17456/2022-adult-winter-spring/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-climate-crisis-online-course