Plan your Garden for Seed Saving – Online Course
Your garden can produce an abundance of food and also a second valuable crop – seeds. With a little bit of advance planning, you can be sure the seeds you produce will be viable and produce the same crops the following year, making your garden more self-sustaining and economical. This class will identify the important factors you need to consider at the garden planning stage, teach you about the main methods of pollination and how to control them, which vegetables are good for beginning seed savers, and much more! Gardeners of all experience levels are welcome. Cosponsored with Lowertown Neighborhood. Supported by Earthfest and Destination Medical Center.
This class will be held online. You will receive an email 2 days prior to the class date with directions on how to join the class.
Click here to register: https://rochester.ce.eleyo.com/course/17436/2022-adult-winter-spring/plan-your-garden-for-seed-saving-online-course