Green Drinks
This is your friendly reminder that the next Green Drinks event will be held Thursday, October 28th at 5:30 pm. We’re excited to have Lauren Jensen, Sustainability Coordinator for the city of Rochester, join us to share her recent experiences traveling to Germany for the Climate Smart Municipalities program. The Climate Smart Municipalities program has partnered select Minnesota municipalities with award-winning climate-smart communities in Germany to accelerate progress toward a cleaner and more sustainable community.
We’re meeting at Little Thistle Brewing Co. and plan to sit outside, so dress for the weather in case it’s a little chilly! In case of inclement weather, we’ll send an email and make an announcement on Facebook with alternative plans.
We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!
Date: Thursday, October 28th
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Little Thistle Brewing Co., 2031 14th Street NW, Rochester
As always, don’t forget to like our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RochesterGreenDrinks) or follow us on Twitter (@RochGreenDrinks) to make sure you get all the updates in a timely fashion. Future Green Drinks event dates are also listed on our website: www.greendrinks.org/MN/Rochester. Feel free to pass this email along to others who wish to share in the good sustainability vibes of Green Drinks.
-The Green Drinks Team